Roofing Materials List

Revised October 2017

Before making any alterations or changes to the exterior of one's home, homeowners in South Cove are required to first gain approval from the Architectural Control Committee (ARC). Please read the HOA's Architectural Policy before proceeding with any changes or updates. Re-roofing is an example of an alteration or change that requires such pre-approval.

There are many choices of roofing colors and materials on the market. However, not all are suitable for South Cove and some colors, shapes or thicknesses would not be considered as harmonious with the prevailing products and colors in use here. Cedar Shake was originally the only approved roofing option but over time the better quality "architectural" and "designer" composites were approved because their heavier profile and distribution of color granules more effectively mimicked shakes. And of those materials, only those in colors that imitated weathered cedar were allowed.

In 2017, we created a list of pre-approved roofing products and colors to respond to evolving tastes, products, and manufacturers. Over the years, product names changed, colors names changed, and some products are no longer manufactured while others have entered the market. Rather than continually pre-approving a list of changing options, we have provided some guidelines you can share with your roofing contractor to appropriately select your roofing product and color to submit for approval:

Composite shingles of architectural quality or better with 30+ year warranty (preferably lifetime) in shades of grey, brown, or black to look similar to cedar shake.

Before installing any new roof, please submit an Architectural Review Request Form and obtain authorization from the South Cove ARC.

Out of courtesy to your volunteer HOA Board and ARC, all requests require a minimum of 48 hours for approval.